Saturday, August 30, 2008

Adbusters 78 Quotes

I’ve had a couple of quotes thought out for a few months now from the number 78 issue of Adbusters.

It’s when you believe in something, when you stand for something, when you put forth not a symbol, but a piece of yourself – that’s when the sparks begin to fly. Rodchenko, Heartfield, Klaman – they were more than designers. They were the life, the blood and the voice of their struggles – completely immersed in the burning issue of their day. They didn’t depict culture, they were culture. To push the boundaries of global culture in a fresh way, you have to do more than just design, you have to live.

...things have really gotten out of hand... I push tidbits of information around computer screens until what I’m working on accumulates a kind of slickness..

Children who survive through adolescence surrounded by gray walls and little time in the wilderness may not necessarily spend the rest of their lives believing that nature is a scary place, but the evidence suggests that their deficit of experience will result in an adulthood of generally higher stress and poorer health. Preserving and encouraging a natural environment is basic wisdom for the twenty-first century. An attractive future for humanity will be one in which all kids have the opportunity to roam, without fear, in an unspoiled land.

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